Anne Winding

Other contact details: 

Department of Environmental Science - Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology
Frederiksborgvej 399
Building MIMI, room B2.16
DK-4000 Roskilde

Brief Biography: 

Microbial ecology in terrestrial environments with special emphasis on the following:

  • Microbial diversity in terrestrial environment and effects on ecosystem services
  • Structure, diversity and function of microbial communities including bacteria, fungi and protozoa
  • Resilience and robustness of microbial communities when challenged with microbes and other organisms, pesticides and xenobiotic compounds
  • Microbiological soil quality
  • Interactions between bacteria and protozoa in terrestrial environment
  • Risk assessment of released microorganisms (genetically modified or microbial pest control agents),
  • Bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and dependence on bioavailability
  • Environmental effects of xenobiotic compounds including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nanomaterials and pesticides
  • Techniques in use include up-to-date molecular tools, such as PCR-DGGE, cloning and RFLP, chemical analysis and traditional microbiological culturing techniques and microscopy.